The shape of this lightbulb is commonly used by companies to depict creativity. We believe it's boring and predictable. This often mirrors their conventional approach to work and its associated challenges.
We view creativity as multifaceted, believing in multiple ways to tackle a task. No matter the project's intricacy, we commit to finding innovative and unconventional solutions that add value - whether it's sparking interest in an upcoming launch, driving organic traffic, implementing measurable actions, or boosting sales.
This calls for a creative twist – a game-changer in the narrative that keeps audiences hooked. Think of it like a plot twist in a gripping novel or movie. A compelling twist in a novel or movie ensures that the audience remains captivated until the conclusion.
When masterfully crafted, an exceptional story enables readers or viewers to connect deeply with the characters. Such plot twists forge a profound emotional bond with the audience, a connection that writers and screenwriters continuously strive for.
Similarly, a twist in a brand's narrative not only sustains engagement but also motivates the user to take tangible actions, be it sharing content, downloading an app, or making a purchase.
We're an advertising and marketing agency specializing in early-stage, scalable startups. We aim to boost startups' traction and visibility for upcoming funding rounds. Our diverse team hails from various industries and global regions, but we're united by our core values.
These values are more than just words; they guide our every action.
Echoing Michael Jordan, while talent can win games, it's teamwork and intelligence that clinch championships. We prioritize fostering enduring, trust-based relationships with both our team and clients. Our ultimate goal is to seamlessly integrate with your company, forming a cohesive unit.
Our words and actions align. We prioritize respect, transparency, and open communication. By setting clear expectations, holding ourselves accountable, and delivering measurable results, we aim to cultivate a trust-rich environment.
Whether we collaborate for a day or a year, our dedication remains unwavering. We guarantee consistent passion and zeal until a project's completion.
To achieve tangible outcomes, we emphasize decisive, impactful actions and fully embrace the responsibility that comes with them.
Our mission is to assist startups, even in their infancy, to flourish in today's communication-rich landscape.
Andrea Garau
Founder and CEO
I began my career as a Communication Manager for small electoral campaigns at a young age, fully aware from the outset of the challenges it would entail. I recall moments when we had to establish the electoral committee from scratch. We lacked even a space to work from, yet it was during these times that I understood the power of enthusiasm, motivation, and expertise. I firmly believe that with these qualities, any obstacle can be overcome. Even now, I cherish the process of building something from the ground up as the most rewarding aspect of initiating a project.
This foundational experience honed my adaptability, teaching me to navigate and adapt to diverse scenarios swiftly. From there, my career in Communication expanded, covering areas like Marketing, Grassroots Marketing, Advertising, PR, and B2C Sales. I've had varied roles in sectors such as tech, hospitality, food, apparel, electoral campaigns, and nonprofits. I value persistence, diligence, and empathy. While many aspire to climb the corporate ranks, I've never been drawn to that world. Instead, I'm driven by the desire to help businesses, regardless of size, thrive and grow their revenue. My relentless curiosity and energy to learn, coupled with years of experience, have served me well.
I've noticed that startup founders often think outside the box, embracing innovative methods more readily than traditional businesses, which can be set in their ways. Inspired by this observation, I established The Great Twist - an agency devoted to assisting businesses, especially startups in their early stages, eager to embark on bold marketing journeys.
Carlos Farfán
Graphic Designer
Ever since I was a child, I've had a profound love for design. My childhood was marked by countless hours building cities with Legos – a collection I still cherish. Drawing was another favorite pastime, with my sketchbook capturing everything that caught my eye. Recognizing my enthusiasm for design, my parents supported me in joining a national drawing contest for elementary students. Winning that competition as an eight-year-old, with a vision of a better world, was a turning point. It reinforced my belief that dedication and passion can truly make a mark.
Now, as a freelance graphic and product designer, I collaborate with international firms across various sectors. I take pride in transforming initial, rough sketches into polished, professional designs that bring people's visions to life. Outside of work, I relish moments with my family and indulge in reading and traveling.
George Alvarez
I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. The son of two immigrant parents, who's love of cinema started as a child but really blossomed in a movie theater watching LOTR: The Return of the King as a teen in 2003.
That experience put me on the path to become a filmmaker. As I wanted to tell stories and move people emotionally using films and videos as my paint brush.
I have directed and written several short films and digital media projects, that have won awards from film festivals all around the world.
With my production company that I helped found “Filmcloudstudio”, I continue my passion for creating art and I'm inspired to help others bring their creative ideas to life.
We work with a pool of 10+ professional spanning over 5 locations around the globe.
We compose a unique team for each project to provide flexible talent specializing in creative concepts, management, and technology anywhere in the world for a range of clients from emerging brands to early-stage startups.